We are happy to share that we are EXPANDING to Chesterfield, UK
Our New Venue is;
Chesterfield Panthers RUFC
2012 Dunston Road
S41 9BF
Are you looking for something for your children to do over the summer?
We know the summer can be long, and sometime very difficult to plan an activity to keep your children entertained all summer.
Remember, you can book for individuals days, or the whole programme. This is easy to do through our Class4Kids booking system; https://active-summer-camps.class4kids.co.uk
We are an Ofsted Registered Centre, meaning our venues follow strict recruitment and operating guidelines to ensure your Children remain in safe care, whilst having the most fun possible.

We have 100% First Aid & Safeguard Trained Staff
We’re registered with Ofsted, which means we work closely with them to make sure our camps follow best practice.
Our Camp is for 5 - 14 Year Olds
We’re confident that choosing Active Summer Camps is a great choice for families, but you’d expect us to say that. So why not come along and see for yourselves, and enquire about one of our sporting and non-sporting holiday programmes.
Would you like to use Childcare Vouchers?
Unfortunately, at the moment, the Class4Kids system doesn't allow you to book using childcare vouchers. If you wish to book using Childcare Vouchers, please contact a member of our team who will be more than happy to help.
Other frequently asked questions can be found on our Parents section of our website; https://www.activesummercamps.co.uk/parents