Our Policies
This section is created to answer any questions you may have as a Parent/Guardian.
It will also provide a brief overview our our policies and procedures. These will ensure your child remains safe whilst at Camp.
Behaviour Policy
Whilst in attendance of the programme at Active Summer Camps, each Child is to follow the Behaviour guidelines outlined. Each Child is to treat each other with respect and listen to the instructions of staff. Active Summer Camps;
Take all signs of bullying very seriously
Encourage all children to speak and share their concerns.
Help the victim to speak out and tell the person in charge or someone in authority.
Create an open environment.
Investigate all allegations and take action to ensure the victim is safe.
Speak with the victim and the bully/ies separately.
Reassure the victim that you can be trusted and will help them, although you cannot promise to tell no one else.
Keep records of what is said (what happened by whom, when etc).
Report any concerns to the child protection officer.
Action towards bullies:
Talk with the bully/ies explain the situation and try to get the bully/ies to understand the consequences of their behaviour.
Seek an apology to the victim/s.
Inform the bully’s parents.
Insist on the return of borrowed items if any, and that the bully/ies compensate the victim.
Provide support for the teacher/coach of the victim.
Impose sanctions as necessary.
Encourage and support the bully/ies to change behaviour.
Hold meetings with the families to report on progress.
Inform all appropriate members of the action taken.
Keep a written record of action taken.
Photography Policy
Generally speaking photography or similar recording is discouraged. Any person wishing to engage in any video, zoom or close range photography should obtain approval from the event organiser or Manager. We accept that parents may wish to record their child’s achievements and as such parents should make arrangements with the organiser/ Manager as appropriate. However, it should be noted that approval may not be given.
If parents/spectators raise concerns about photography taking place please refer them to the organiser/ Manager, as appropriate. If appropriate, the person about who there are concerns may be asked to stop recording/photographing and if necessary asked to leave the venue.
Parents who have registered children for the Active Summer Camps programme will be asked permission as part of the application process for photos to be taken of their children. If a parent refuses permission their child will not be involved in any photographs. This will child will be identified by wearing an additional coloured (regularly changed to prevent any form of bullying or discrimination) band on the days that they attend the camp.
Risk factors
Some of the potential risks of photography and filming at events include:
Children may be identifiable when a photograph is shared with personal information
Direct and indirect risks to children and young people when photographs are shared on websites and in publications with personal information
Inappropriate photographs or recorded images of children
Inappropriate use, adaptation or copying of images
Developing the photography policy
This policy can also be used to help children, parents, staff and volunteers understand how photographs can be shared more safely.
The following guidelines should be adopted;
Do not use children’s names in photograph captions. If a child is named, avoid using the photograph.
Use a parental permission form to obtain consent for a child to be photographed and videoed.
Obtain the child’s permission to use their image.
Only use images of children in suitable clothing to reduce the risk of inappropriate use. Some activities, for example swimming and drama, present a much greater risk of potential misuse.
Address how images of children on an organisation’s website can be misused. Images accompanied by personal information, such as the name of a child and their hobby, could be used to learn more about a child prior to grooming them for abuse.
State written expectations of professional photographers or the press who are invited to an event. These should make clear the organisation’s expectations of them in relation to child protection.
Do not allow photographers unsupervised access to children.
Do not approve photography sessions outside the event or at a child’s home.
Many schools and clubs also have an acceptable use policy for using photographs, which may include asking parents not to share photos on social media.
Seeking consent for children and young people
Children should always be consulted about the use of their photograph. This ensures they're aware that the image is being taken and understand what the picture is going to be used for. This could be recorded on a child's permission form.
For young people under 18 get parental consent to use an image. Active Summer Camps makes sure parents and carers are aware of our organisation's photography policy. We ask parents to sign a consent form for use of their child's images and keep a record.
Storing images securely
Images or video recordings of children must be kept securely. Hard copies of images should be kept in a locked drawer and electronic images should be in a protected folder with restricted access. Images should not be stored on unencrypted portable equipment such as laptops, memory sticks and mobile phones.
Avoid using any personal equipment to take photos and recordings of children and use only cameras or devices belonging to the school or organisation.
Complaints Policy
We are happy to answer any questions or complaints which you may have. If your complaint is urgent you should contact the manager on 07794738770. Our staff are trained to process your comments and pass them on to the appropriate department and management level. We will aim to respond to any complaint within a 24 hour period.
Our complaints process
An investigation is undertaken in accordance with the principle that the welfare of the child is safeguarded and promoted
We always record full details of any complaint, including any subsequent information, action taken and the final outcome of the complaint
If necessary, it will be investigated and a verbal or written report will be returned to the complainant within a seven day period unless agreed by both parties
If the response is not satisfactory, stage two of the process will be entered and the complainant will be asked to put the complaint in writing
Further consideration will be given and a written response, including investigation findings and action taken, will be forthcoming within 28 days
If another agency, such as the police or an inspection authority investigates, we will consult with them on how to proceed and inform the complainant of progress. A written record of complaints will be kept and is available upon request.
In England, Ofsted can be contacted by telephone on 0300 123 1231 or in writing at The National Business Unit, Ofsted, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester M1 2WD.
Safeguarding Policy
Coming Soon.......